Saturday, August 18, 2012

I'm not a Republican

Ok, I used to be a Republican. I like the fact that the party works together to get things done. I like the fact that they have far and away better (and more) economic think tanks than the Democrats. I like their view on states rights, smaller government, and minimal regulation.

There's a lot not to like however. You see I am not a racist. I am also not a christian. I don't think the government should be expanded in general. Why would I want the government telling me what to do in my bedroom?

The Democrats want to censor what I eat, listen to, and watch for my own good. The Republicans don't like censorship, unless its to filter out immorality and people who disagree with them.

Both Parties are RACIST! (All caps for emphasis, and a "!" to be redundant.) The Republican base is racist. The Democratic leadership just wants to make decisions for people they think don't know any better. So if I were black I'd have to deal with people who think I'm a criminal on the right, and people who think I'm stupid on the left.

Gay rights is another thing. I don't think that the government should be able to tell anyone who can and cannot get married. As long as they are telling people what to do and what not to do I don't see any reason why Gays cannot marry. Thing is though, I'm not gay and my state already allows gay marriage. It's not really a big issue for me, but politicians on both sides want to make it the big issue every election.

The War on Women. Neither side is really against women. Why would they be? They have no motive for it. But I hear about it more than I care to think of it. The Right points out that the left makes many women out of work. The left makes it harder for people to find work regardless of gender. It's not targeted. The left say that the right doesn't want women to have control over their own bodies. The right doesn't want anyone to have control over their own bodies.

I have generally considered myself so far right that I'm only left of crazy. Apparently that makes me a centrist these days because the republicans have moved well right of my views.

We have a Democrat president (Hard to notice beyond both parties obsessed with his race). He got into office saying he was willing to reach across the isle and get things done. He did find common ground that both parties can agree upon. Both parties are doing everything that they can to prevent democrats from getting anything done. Both parties seem to have a greater disdain for black voters. Both parties have found that if the Republicans go right and the Democrats go left they can both fit in the category of crazy.

So where does that leave me? Apparently I'm a libertarian. I'm in the same political camp with the drug addled pot heads.

At least I'm not an occupier (A bunch of rich kids yelling, "What do we want? We don't know! When do we want it? Right now!" Meanwhile a homeless guy is taping up a sign saying, "No rapes between here and the dumpster.")

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